MERIDIAN CENTRE PEACEHAVEN

 The Horticultural Society was asked by the Town Council if any members would like to do some community gardening and I am sure that most of you have been to the post office or the hall in the Meridian Centre and seen the new Rockery Garden. A couple of members volunteered and the garden was designed, built and planted and we think a vast improvement to what was there before. This garden will be maintained by club members on a weekly basis.

We have recently taken to doing different themes every month.

January  –  New Year

February  –  Valentines Day

March  – St Patricks Day

April  – Easter

May, June, July, August, September  –  Summer Days

October  –  Halloween

November  –  Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day & White Ribbon Day

December –  Christmas

The Mayor of Peacehaven Rachel Coles has placed a ‘Wishing Tree’ in the Community Garden for you to remember your Mum on Mothers Day.  The tags are available from the Council Offices for a small donation.

Easter 2013


Little Poppy looking at Santa in the Community Garden



 Halloween 2015



Bonfire Night 2015


Christmas 2015


                           Valentines 2016